Crystal Healing

Sometimes energy can get trapped in our bodies causing us discomfort in many ways including physical pain + emotional pain. There are some holistic ways to go about healing the body and Crystal Healing is one of them. 

Crystal healing is much like Reiki in the sense that it is a healing modality that transfers energy from the practitioner to you in a session using their hands. The only difference is that crystals are placed on or around the body before the session to enhance the energy and to aid in the healing process. 

Crystal healing has been around for ages. The crystals themselves contain the DNA of Earth within them, meaning they have millions of years of information and history in each one just waiting for us to discover. They have been used to help positively interact with your aura, energy field and chakras. This is why they are so great to use in conjunction with Reiki. They enhance the effects of the healing that can happen. Each crystal can help in a different way depending on what you are wanting to let go of and let in spiritually, emotionally, physically or emotionally.


The session is a lot like the session begins for Reiki.
Sometimes I will even use both modalities simultaneously for a customized experience for you.

When Your First Arrive

When you first arrive for your specialized session we will sit down in a peaceful space, become aware of what you would like to work through in your healing process and what that looks like for you. Whether that is letting go of things that are no longer serving you , moving through something difficult and coming out stronger or bringing in awareness of the energy you want to invite into your life. We will work on bringing all of that to the surface so we can sort through it and decide what needs to go and what needs to stay.



During The Session

Then I will have you comfortably lying down on a massage table, fully clothed, and cozy with a blanket, pillow and bolster for support. First, I will take you through a meditation to completely relax your entire body. During this portion, you will work with breathing exercises and visualizations to help in the relaxation process as I place the crystals on your physical body and around your body on the table.

After The Session

After the Crystal Healing session is complete I will remove the crystals from your body and we will sit down again and discuss what you took from the session. This is when you can speak about anything that came to mind in your session or anything that you experienced while in the relaxed state of meditation. I will then give you some guidance on how to maintain the healing that we have started at home and what your experience can tell you about your healing.

This will be the time that we include any add-ons for your session such as Oracle Card Readings, Tarot Card Readings or Specialized Journaling Experiences.


What to Expect

After the Session

A shift in your thinking or even how you feel physically is to be expected. Sometimes this happens simultaneously with the session or others have experienced it in the days, weeks or months following the session. Also don’t force yourself to feel something, just let it be. Expect to come in with an open mind and heart about the healing process. Everyone heals differently so give yourself the time you need and be gentle with yourself.

It is normal to feel tired and to drift in and out of sleep through the session. It is also normal to completely stay awake in mind but have your body fall asleep. You may also experience some physical sensations like tingling, warmth or a lightness to the parts of your body that have been worked on or crystals placed there. This is the cause from energy entering and exiting the body properly. Do not be alarmed. This is all normal.

What to Expect

After the Session

A shift in your thinking or even how you feel physically is to be expected. Sometimes this happens simultaneously with the session or others have experienced it in the days, weeks or months following the session. Also don’t force yourself to feel something, just let it be. Expect to come in with an open mind and heart about the healing process. Everyone heals differently so give yourself the time you need and be gentle with yourself.

It is normal to feel tired and to drift in and out of sleep through the session. It is also normal to completely stay awake in mind but have your body fall asleep. You may also experience some physical sensations like tingling, warmth or a lightness to the parts of your body that have been worked on or crystals placed there. This is the cause from energy entering and exiting the body properly. Do not be alarmed. This is all normal.

"Crystal Healing is a very cleansing modality that can immensely help with ridding the body of toxins, improving your thinking patterns and focused healing for the chakras. It overall promotes well-being in the body, mind and spirit!"
Sami West
"Crystal Healing is a very cleansing modality that can immensely help with ridding the body of toxins, improving your thinking patterns and focused healing for the chakras. It overall promotes well-being in the body, mind and spirit!"
Sami West

Book Your Session Today To

Receive a Complimentary Healing Crystal

Receive a complimentary healing crystal of your choice when you book your first session here and we’ll provide our downloadable guide on “Choosing Your Crystals.” 

Book Your Session Today To

Receive a Complimentary Healing Crystal

Receive a complimentary healing crystal of your choice when you book your first session here and we’ll provide our downloadable guide on “Choosing Your Crystals.”